December 1, 2022 | News Coverage
Sampoerna Kayoe Plants Thousands of Trees to Preserve Forest

Jombang, 1 December 2022 – Sampoerna Kayoe (PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera), the largest processed wood producer in Indonesia and one of the largest in the world, implemented a simultaneous planting program in Jambi, Jombang and Semarang with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, the Forestry Service and local communities, as a concern for nature conservation within the framework of the call for Indonesian Tree Planting Day.
This program was carried out in a conservation area with a total area of more than 19 hectares, with the distribution of Multi-Purpose Tree Species seeds such as durian, avocado, clove and mangosteen seeds as many as 3,198 seeds.
On this occasion, the celebration of Indonesian Tree Planting Day was celebrated in Jombang, East Java. This ceremonial event was attended by Andrew Wardoyo as Sampoerna Kayoe’s Director of Supply Chain, Head of the East Java Provincial Forestry Service Dr. Ir. Jumadi, along with Drs. Mochamad Sholeh M.Sc, Expert Staff of the Jombang Regent for Governance, People’s Welfare, Law, and Politics who was accompanied by the Head of Protocol and Communication Section for the Head of Regional Secretariat Kab. Jombang Agus Djauhari, and influencer Aura Kasih.
This program is carried out in order to maintain sustainable forest growth and protect the ecosystems in it. In addition to planting, Sampoerna Kayoe also distributed 450 thousand high-quality sengon seeds. Until this year Sampoerna Kayoe has distributed 68 million seeds to more than 14 thousand local farmers. Sampoerna Kayoe hopes that this program will not only maintain the function of the forest but also improve the quality of the forest, increase the economic potential of community forests and bring prosperity to local communities.
Edward Tombokan as Commercial Director of Sampoerna Kayoe said “Sampoerna Kayoe believes that whatever we do today will determine tomorrow. It is this ownership that drives Sampoerna Kayoe’s commitment to preserve and protect our future and the environment. As we know, climate change is one of the biggest problems today, so we emphasize the importance of tree protection programs for forest sustainability.”
“Whatever we do today reflects what we do tomorrow. It’s time for us to take action, because Sustainable Tomorrow Starts Today.” he concluded.
In accordance with our Vision for Sustainable Sustainability which focuses on four aspects: sustainable forest management, production, communities, and conservation, tree planting and seed distribution. This activity is a form of Sampoerna Kayoe’s support for the goals of Sustainable Development Goals in line with the United Nations agenda which is in the Sustainable Development Goals.
For more information visit and follow Sampoerna Kayoe’s social media accounts.