October 21, 2021 | News Coverage
Sampoerna Kayoe Receives Primaniyarta Award for Its Achievement in Developing Export Markets

Jakarta, October 21, 2021 – Sampoerna Kayoe (PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera) won the Primaniyarta Award for the Global Brand Development Category from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. Sampoerna Kayoe was selected for its success in building a local brand into a global brand and developing export markets.
“I congratulate the Indonesian exporters who received the Primaniyarta award. The participants have helped accelerate the recovery and economic growth for a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia,” said Indonesian President Joko Widodo in his virtual remarks at the opening of the 36th Indonesian Trade Expo – Digital Edition in Jakarta, Thursday (21/10/2021).
“The wide-open market potential must be utilized to encourage further increase in exports. The implementation of Indonesian Trade Expo – Digital Edition in 2021 is one solution, as a liaison for business actors, especially exporters and buyers to establish business cooperation and as an economic lever for business and industry players,” he added.
The Indonesian Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi said that the 36th Indonesian Trade Expo- Digital Edition themed “Reviving Global Trade” was Indonesia’s strategic effort to stimulate global trade amid improving trade balance performance. “Therefore, we must continue to encourage Indonesia’s trade competitiveness and increase value-added exports. We also appreciate the recipients of the Primaniyarta and Primaduta awards as Indonesia’s 20 best exporters who have proven to be able to maintain their performance during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.
As one of the leading processed wood producers in Indonesia and one of the largest in the world, Sampoerna Kayoe is considered to be able to maintain export values and contribute to the country’s foreign exchange amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are pleased and proud of our appreciation to Sampoerna Kayoe for its commitment to promoting indigenous domestic products and brands in the export market and contributing to the recovery of the Indonesian economy,” said Riko Setyabudhy Handoko, CEO of Sampoerna Kayoe when receiving the Primaniyarta Cup at the opening of the 2021 TradeXpo Exhibition. at the Pullman Hotel Jakarta.
At the 23rd Primaniyarta Award in 2021, the assessment was developed into seven categories, namely the Global Brand Development Category, Non-Traditional Market Pioneers, New Market Pioneers, Sustainable Products, High Technology Products, Digital Marketing Exporters, and Young Exporters.
Sampoerna Kayoe as a producer of processed wood products such as plywood, lvl, wooden frames and doors is committed to prioritizing customer satisfaction. It is proven by the achievement of various international certificates related to product quality assurance and the use of renewable and environmentally-friendly wood raw material resources.
Sampoerna Kayoe supports sustainability, starting from the supply chain of wood log raw materials with a certification program to ensuring product source traceability.
“One form of our sustainability commitment is collaboration with community forest farmers in Indonesia which is integrated into the Sampoerna Kayoe Sustainability Business Approach, starting from seed nurseries, distribution of quality seeds, training on sustainable forest management, guiding community forest farmers to obtain world-recognized certification for sustainable forest management, such as SLIMF (Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests), to become a standby buyer for these forest products,” said Sampoerna Kayoe Commercial Director Edward Tombokan at this event.
Sampoerna Kayoe is the first plywood company in Indonesia to transition to using renewable energy as a concrete contribution to reducing world carbon emissions.
“Real climate change is happening right before our eyes. We believe that business as one of the main driving forces of development must take a greater role in ensuring the development of human living standards in line with the sustainability of the earth. The use of solar panel energy in our production process is our commitment to this belief, as well as a form of the company’s participation in achieving the new and renewable energy (EBT) target of Indonesian Government of 23 percent by 2025,” Riko concluded.
The Primaniyarta Award has motivated Sampoerna Kayoe to continue to advance the competitiveness of leading-quality indigenous domestic products by ensuring (High-quality) renewable sources of raw materials and supporting the preservation of nature and the environment for the international community.
In addition to receiving this Primaniyarta Award, Sampoerna Kayoe also presents at TradeXpo Indonesia Exhibition which will be held on October 21–November 4, 2021 for online interactive. Meanwhile, the showcase will last until December 20, 2021. At this event, stakeholders can get to know more about Sampoerna Kayoe products and establish potential new international business relationships.